Trevor Haltermann
Thesis: Evaluation of the CalFire methodology for determining the origin point of a wildfire.
Advisor: David Greene
Graduate Student Research Topics
Current Students
Kelsey Fletterick
Thesis: The Brief Window for Early Post-fire Regeneration.
Advisor: David Greene
Heather Rickard
Thesis: Factors contributing to legacy hardwood mortality following prescribed fire
Advisor: Jeffrey Kane
Jackson Carrasco
Thesis: Post-fire mortality rates and regeneration within second-growth redwood stands
Advisor: Jeffrey Kane
Kaily Fineran
Thesis: Prescribed fire treatment longevity in legacy hardwood stands of the Klamath Mountains
Advisor: Jeffrey Kane
Joe Nicholas
Thesis: Response of fuels and vegetation to high severity fire in mixed evergreen forests of the Klamath Mountains.
Advisor: Jeffrey Kane
Catriona Barr
Thesis: Assessing human community recovery after wildfire
Advisor: Erin Kelly
Claire Anderson
Thesis: The evolution of private lands forest policies in California and Oregon
Advisor: Erin Kelly
Lonyx Landry
Thesis: Soil sampling for Phytophthora spp.
Advisor: Susan Edinger Marshall
Jill Beckmann
Thesis: The effects of severe drought on radial stem growth of Oregon white oak
Advisor: Rosemary Sherriff
Lindsay Benjamin-Brittany
Thesis: Assessment of Carbon Storage and Aquifer Recharge in Beaver Meadows of the Sierra Nevada, USA
Advisor: Andrew Stubblefield
Preston Selby
Thesis: Evaluation of thinning on stream thermal conditions in coastal Redwood riparian forests.
Advisor: Andrew Stubblefield
Andre Sanchez
Thesis: Quantifying summer water budget use by fir and oak trees within overtopped and released forest stands.
Advisor: Andrew Stubblefield
Kayla Fitzpatrick
Thesis: Water Quality Assessment of the Klamath River
Advisor: Andrew Stubblefield
Zachary Erickson
Thesis: Integrating ways of knowing: utilizing tribal management perspectives to guide modern silviculture methods in cooperative forest management
Advisor: Pascal Berrill
Judson Fisher
Thesis: Mitigating wildfire hazard in the redwoods: effectiveness and trade-offs of fuels treatments
Advisor: Pascal Berrill
Robert Raibley (co-advised)
Thesis: The effects of post-harvest residue on plantation forest regeneration of redwood and Douglas-fir
Advisor: Pascal Berrill
Ernesto Chavez-Velasco
Thesis: Integrating plant traits with site characterizations to support biodiverse California coastal grassland restoration
Advisor: Justin Luong
Sophia Lemmo
Thesis: Drought, tree mortality, and regeneration in Northern California
Advisor: Lucy Kerhoulas
Gabriel Roletti
Thesis: Drought responses across diverse conifer species, habitats, and competitive gradients in Northern California
Advisor: Lucy Kerhoulas
Zachary Gigone
Thesis: Sediment production from forest roads in areas affected by the August Complex fire in Northern California
Advisor: Andrew Stubblefield
Katherine Marlin
Thesis: Post-fire regeneration of the serotinous Knobcone pine
Advisor: David Greene
Cherilyn Ashmead
Thesis: In-flux: economic and community adaptations of former timber mill-towns in the American West
Advisor: Erin Kelly
Wallis Robinson
Thesis: Influences on conifer drought responses in Northern California
Advisor: Lucy Kerhoulas
Danielle Jones
Thesis: A comparison of the removal of estrogen between different wastewater treatment processes
Advisor: Andrew Stubblefield
Theodora Doyon
Thesis: From screen to summit: an investigation of claims about social media use for outdoor recreation purposes
Advisor: Erin Kelly
Kevin Soland
Thesis: Efficacy of forest restoration across a 40-year chronosequence in Redwood National Park
Advisor: Lucy Kerhoulas
Chris Faubion
Thesis: Sediment production and delivery from timber harvest roads in Humboldt County, California
Advisor: Andrew Stubblefield
Cerena Brewen
Thesis: Multidecadal change in aspen experiencing long-unburned, mixed-severity wildfire, and reburn disturbance regimes
Advisor: Pascal Berrill
Kurt Schneider
Thesis: Understory light, regeneration, and browsing effects in irregular structures created by partial harvesting in coast redwood stands
Advisor: Pascal Berrill
Robert Muma
Thesis: Converting coast redwood/ Douglas-fir forests to multiaged management; residual stand damage, growth, and regeneration response
Advisor: Pascal Berrill
Marisa Formosa
Thesis: Learning from a restoration innovator: Building community capitals and resilience through the restoration economy
Advisor: Erin Kelly
Sara Matthews
Thesis: Implications of unmanned aircraft systems and sense of place: A case study in the Mono Basin
Advisor: Erin Kelly
Michael Vernon
Thesis: In the face of drought: Do fuel treatments promote resistance to multi-year drought in a mixed-conifer forest of northern California?
Jodie Pixley
Thesis: All-lands management: Convening communities and their lands around fire management
Advisor: Erin Kelly
Walter Kast
Thesis: Finding nondestructive parameters for root-to-shoot ratios in Douglas-fir, grand fir, and redwood saplings in northwest California for biomass and carbon storage estimates
Advisor: Pascal Berrill
Chris Valness
Thesis: Performance and morphology in Sequoiadendron genotypes outside of their range
Advisor: Pascal Berrill
Madelinn Schriver
Thesis: Stand and tree growth characteristics of Quercus garryana and Quercus kelloggi woodlands in northwestern California
Nichole Besyk
Thesis: Predicting phosphorus retention in two Haplohumult forest soils of northern California
Radeslow Glebocki
Thesis: Fuel loading and moisture dynamics in thinned coast redwood ? Douglas-fir forests in Headwaters Forest Reserve, California
Zawisza Grabinski-Parker
Thesis: Reburn severity interactions over 30 years in the Klamath Mountains ecoregion, California, USA
Marissa Schmitz
Thesis: Analyzing access to California’s regulatory forest offset market
Advisor: Erin Kelly
Tim Montgomery
Thesis: Modeling work plan logistics for biomass recovery operations using spatial analysis.
Hai Vuong
Thesis: Using liDAR to estimate the total aboveground live biomass of redwood stands in South Fork Caspar Creek Watershed, Jackson Demonstration State Forest, Mendocino, California.
Amy Livingston
Thesis: Plant community responses to fire exclusion, species invasions, and restoration in California woodlands and grasslands.
Christopher Kirk
Thesis: Second log branch analysis of redwood and Douglas-fir
Advisor: Pascal Berrill
Bobby Howe
Thesis: Coast redwood growth response to herbicide treatment of tanoak
Advisor: Pascal Berrill
Sara Hanna
Thesis: Long-term, post-fire dynamics of a sagebrush steppe community in northeastern California.
Brandon Namm
Thesis: Root morphology and belowground carbon storage in tanoak (Notholithocarpus densiflorus)
Advisor: Pascal Berrill
Matt Cocking
Thesis: The Role of Native Conifer Encroachment and the Return of Fire to California Black Oak Ecosystems in Northern California.
Sungnome Madrone
Thesis: Fine sediment sources of coastal watersheds with uplifted marine terraces in Northwest Humboldt County, California.
Joél Benegar
Thesis: Evaluation of constructed wood jams in a forest, gravelbed stream
Advisor: Andrew Stubblefield
Eamon Engber
Thesis: Fuelbed heterogeneity, flammability, and restoration of historically fire frequent oak woodlands with fire.
Claire Knopf
Thesis: A permeability study on salmonid spawning riffles in the Little River drainage and Canon Creek in Northern Humboldt County, California.