Andrew Stubblefield

Professor - Hydrology and Watershed Management

Dr. Andrew Stubblefiled
(707) 826-3258
212 Forestry Building

I am interested in the source, transport and fate of fine sediment and associated nutrients in watersheds. In particular, I am interested in investigating the hydrological processes that link land management, erosion and sediment transport with water quality. I am interested in climate change science and its impacts on water resources. Other interests include the application of active learning pedagogies in higher education.

My specializations include:

  • Water quality monitoring, chemistry and instrumentation.
  • Methods for the assessment of erosional processes; sediment budgets, naturally occurring radionuclides, and erosion plot studies.
  • Ecosystem health assessment


Ph.D. University of California, Davis, Watershed Hydrology
M.S. University of Michigan, Terrestrial Ecosystem Science
B.S. Oberlin College, Biology

Courses Taught

WSHD 310 Hydrology and Watershed Management
WSHD 333 Wildland Water Quality
WSHD 424 Watershed Hydrology
WSHD 458/558 Climate Change and Land Use

Current Graduate Students

Name Thesis
Lindsay Benjamin-Brittany
Preston Selby
Andre Sanchez
Kayla Fitzpatrick


* denotes a graduate student under my supervision.

Stubblefield, A. P., & Reddy, K. 2021. Measurement and prediction of water consumption by Douglas‐fir, Northern California, USAEcohydrology, e2388.

Ivan D. Medel, Andrew Phillip Stubblefield & Conor Shea. 2020. Sedimentation and Erosion Patterns within Anabranching Channels in a Lowland River Restoration Project, International Journal of River Basin Management, DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2020.1809435

Flannery*, J., A.P. Stubblefield, Fiore, R., and C. Shea. 2016. Observations of channel change from constructed wood jams on a forested gravelbed stream. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 146(1): 181-193.

Harrison, N.M*., A.P. Stubblefield, J.M. Varner, E.E. Knapp. 2016. Finding balance between fire hazard reduction and erosion control in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California–Nevada. Forest Ecology and Management (360) 40–51.

Bond, R.M*., A.P. Stubblefield, R.W. Van Kirk. 2015. Sensitivity of summer stream temperatures to climate variability and riparian reforestation strategies.Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 4 (B) 267–279.

Maurin, L.P*., A.P. Stubblefield. 2011. Channel adjustment following culvert removal from forest roads in northern California, USA. Ecological Restoration 29 (4), 382-391

Royer, C.F*., A.P. Stubblefield. 2009. Klamath River Basin Water Quality Monitoring Plan. Report assembled for the Klamath Basin Monitoring Program, a multi-state stakeholder group consisting of over 40 agencies, tribal nations and non-profit organizations.

Huggett, B.W*., A.P. Stubblefield, A.S. Dhakal, K. Sullivan. 2009 Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model (DHSVM) and Sediment Discharge Validation in a small, Pacific Northwestern Watershed. EOS Trans. AGU 90 (52), Fall Meet, Suppl., Abstract H11E-0849.

Stubblefield, A.P., J.E. Reuter, C.R. Goldman. 2009. Sediment budget for subalpine watersheds, Lake Tahoe California, USA. Catena 76: 163-172.

Stubblefield, A.P., J.E. Reuter, R.A. Dahlgren, C.R. Goldman. 2007. Use of turbidometry to characterize suspended sediment and phosphorus fluxes in the Lake Tahoe basin. Hydrological Processes 21:281-291.

Stubblefield, A.P., P.J. Whiting, G. Matisoff, C. Fondran, and M.E. Ketterer. Radionuclide and rare earth element tracers of erosional processes on the plot scale. Proceedings of the 8th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference. Reno, Nevada. April 3-6, 2006.

Stubblefield, A.P., J.E. Reuter, E.W. Larsen, M.I. Escobar C.R. Goldman. Turbidity measurements for determination of sediment source and retention in river and marsh environments. Proceedings of the 8th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference. Reno, Nevada. April 3-6, 2006.

Stubblefield, A.P., M.I. Escobar, E.W. Larsen. 2006. Retention of suspended sediment and phosphorus on a freshwater delta, South Lake Tahoe, California. Wetlands Ecology and Management 14: 287-302.

Stubblefield, A., S. Chandra, S. Eagan, T. Dampil, G. Davaadorzh, D. Gilroy, J. Sampson, B. Allen, J. Thorne, Z. Hogan. Impacts of goldmining and land use alterations on the water quality of central Mongolian rivers. 2005. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 1(4): 365-373.