
Cal Poly Humboldt Scholarships

Department Scholarships

Each year the Department awards a about $50,000 in scholarships to outstanding students. The scholarships honor bequests to the Department in the names of outstanding alumni, emeritus faculty, and other friends of the program. Scholarships include:

  • Don C. Banghart Forestry Scholarship
  • Helen Barnum Forestry Scholarship
  • James T. Brown Forestry Scholarship
  • Robert Cary Forestry Scholarship
  • Dillard-Bailey Scholarship for Undergraduate Students
  • Dillard-Bailey Scholarship for Graduate Students
  • Humboldt Forestry Alumni Association Scholarship
  • Forestry Pathfinders Commemorative Scholarship
  • Marlis Honeywell Forestry Scholarship
  • Ron Hoover Memorial Scholarship
  • Allan E. Nilson Memorial Scholarship 
  • Jerry Partain Forestry Scholarship
  • Edwin and Joan Pierson Forestry Scholarship
  • Mark B Rhea Soil Science Fellowship
  • Charles G. and Helen W. Schober Scholarship
  • Schmidbauer Family Foundation Scholarship
  • Gayleen Smith Memorial Scholarship
  • Louis H Wayers Memorial Scholarship

The deadline for applications is the end of January. More information or to apply for scholarships visit

Additional Cal Poly Humboldt Scholarships

  • Aidan Leaf Mullin Scholarship - Scholarship for students interested in how soils can foster sustainable agriculture. More Information »
  • Ernest P. Fusi Scholarship in Natural Resources -The Ernest Fusi Scholarship is awarded to a full time CNRS student.
  • Fusi & Dusi ScholarshipThe Fusi and Dusi scholarship is awarded to a full-time student pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in natural resources majors.
  • Steinberg Family Geospatial Science Scholarship - The Steinberg Geospatial Analysis Scholarship is awarded to students who have completed, or are currently enrolled in, a minimum of 3 units of coursework in geospatial analysis with a grade of B or better.

For more information or to apply for scholarships, visit

Humboldt Area Foundation (HAF) Scholarships

The following scholarships are available to students through the Humboldt Area Foundation:

  • James T. Brown Forestry Scholarship
  • Ron Hoover Memorial Scholarship
  • Charles G. and Helen W. Schober Memorial Scholarship

Download the HAF Scholarship Application packetThe application deadline for these scholarships is March 1st. Materials can be submitted electronically via email to

External Scholarships

California Farm Bureau Scholarship Foundation

The California Farm Bureau Scholarship Foundation provides aid to students with a desire to pursue a career in the agricultural industry. The scholarships are awarded annually based upon academic achievement, career goals, extracurricular activities, determination, leadership skills, and a commitment to study agriculture. Application Deadline: February 1st.

California Licensed Foresters Association Scholarships

The California Licensed Foresters Association (CLFA) has two scholarships, the CLFA Scholarship and the Roy H. Richards Scholarship. These schoalrships are for full-time college students pursuing an education in Forestry. Application Deadline: January 15.

David A. Bischel Forestry Scholarship

This scholarship honors the memory of David Bischel. This scholarship will be awarded to students who are entering their junior year, are seniors or are graduate students in a program leading to a career in forestry. Download Scholarship Information. Application Deadline: April 18th.

Dr. Robert F. Powers Memorial Scholarship

The objective of the Dr. Robert F. Powers Memorial Scholarship is to recognize
significant contributions to active forest management through application of soil and forest
science by presenting a variable scholarship amount to a masters or Ph.D. student whose
research and career focus is on active forest management issues. Application Deadline: Nov 27th.

Green Diamond Natural Resources Scholarship

Green Diamond Resource Company sponsors a scholarship program for Natural Resources and related fields. The goal is to encourage and support students who wish to enter, or continue their studies, in the Natural Resources field. Download Scholarship Application. Application Deadline: March 31st.

Humboldt County Farm Bureau Scholarships

The Humboldt County Farm Bureau Scholarships provides scholarships to students who graduated from from Humboldt County High Schools or the surrounding area. The variety of scholarships are aimed at students who intend to pursue agriculture, forestry and natural resource sciences. Application Deadline: April 1st.

John Mabry Forestry Scholarships

The John Mabry Forestry Scholarships awards scholarships to forestry students enrolled in two- or four-year degree programs. Application Deadline: June 30th.

Oregon Farm Bureau Memorial Scholarship

The Oregon Farm Bureau Memorial Scholarship Project offers scholarships to any Oregon high school graduate with a full year of college transcripts who plans to study agriculture and/or a forestry related major. Application Deadline: March 1st.

Redwood Region Logging Conference (RRLC) Scholarships

The Redwood Region Logging Conference (RRLC) offers several scholarships that are available to Forestry, Agriculture and Natural Resource students. Download Scholarship Application. Application Deadline: February 11th.