David Greene
Professor - Fire Ecology
Upon receiving his B.Sc. at the University of California at Berkeley, Dr. Greene went to the University of Calgary for the M.Sc. and Ph.D. A forest ecologist, Dr. Greene studies the regeneration following wildfire. He has published on all aspects of the sexual regeneration process: pollination, seed production, seed abscission and dispersal, and germination, as well as broader issues in forestry and disturbance ecology. Following a 25-year year career at Concordia University in Montreal, he arrived at Cal Poly Humboldt in 2014, lured by the smell of smoke.
Current Graduate Students
Name | Thesis |
Trevor Haltermann | Evaluation of the CalFire methodology for determining the origin point of a wildfire. |
Kelsey Fletterick | The Brief Window for Early Post-fire Regeneration. |
Former Graduate Students
Name | Thesis | Graduation Year |
Katherine Marlin | Post-fire regeneration of the serotinous Knobcone pine | 2021 |
Refereed Publications (Bold indicates a supervised Graduate or Honors student)
Splawinski, T.B., Boucher, Y., Bouchard, M., Greene, D.F., Gauthier, S. Auger, I., Sirois, L., Valeria, O., and Bergeron, Y. 2022. Factors influencing black spruce reproductive potential in the northern boreal forest of Quebec. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 52: 1499-1512..
Hackett-Pain, A., et al. 2002. MASTREE+: time series of plant reproductive effort from six continents. Global Change Biology 28: doi/10.1111/gcb.16130.
Marlin, K.F., Greene, D.F., and Kane, J.M. In press. Evaluating immaturity risk in young stands of the serotinous knobcone pine (Pinus attenuata). Ecosphere.
Baltzer, J.L., Day, N.J., Walker, X.J., Greene, D.F., et al. 2021. Increasing fire and the decline of fire-adapted black spruce in the boreal forest. PNAS 118 (45) e2024872118, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2024872118.
LaMontagne, J. M., Redmond, M. D., Wion, A. P., & Greene, D. F. (2021). An assessment of temporal variability in mast seeding of North American Pinaceae. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 376(1839), 20200373.
LaMontange, J.M., Pearse, I.S. Greene, D.F., Koenig, W.D. 2020. Mast seeding patterns in white spruce are asynchronous at a continental scale in North America. Nature Plants.
McNamara, B.A., Greene D.F, and Kane, J.M. 2019. Dispersal limitation in post-fire regeneration of Baker cypress, a rare serotinous conifer. American Journal of Botany 106: 1-9.
McNamara, B.A., Kane, J.M., and Greene D.F. 2019. Post-fire fuel succession in a rare California conifer. Fire Ecology 15: 39.
North, M.P., Stevens, J.T., Greene, D.F. Coppoletta, M., Knapp, E.E., Latimer, A.M., Restaino, C.M., Tompkins, R.E., Welch, K.R., York, R.A., Young, D.J.N., Axelson, J.N., Buckley, T.N., Estes, B.L., Hager, R.N., Long, J.W., Meyer, M.D., Ostoya, S.M., Safford, H.D., Shive, K.L., Tubessing, C.L., Vice, H., Walsh, D., Werner, C.M., and Wyrsch, P. 2019. Restoration for resilience in dry western forests. Forest Ecology and Management 432: 209-224.
Hewitt, N. Larocque, G.R., Greene, D.F., and Kellman, M. 2018. A model of hardwood colonization among forest fragments: predicting migration across human-dominated landscapes. Ecoscience. https://doi.org/10.1080/11956860.2018.1515596
Splawinski, T.B., Greene, D.F., Michaletz, S.T., Gauthier, S., Houle, D., and Bergeron, Y. 2018. Position of cones within cone clusters determines seed survival in black spruce during wildfire. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 49. https://doi.org/10.1080/11956860.2018.1515596.
Splawinski, T., Gauthier, S., Bergeron, Y., Greene, D.F. 2016. Pre-commercial thinning of black spruce and jack pine: impact of treatment timing and competitors on growth response. Forest Science 63: 62-70.
Nock, C., Lecigne, B., Taugourdeau, O., Greene, D.F., Dauzat, J., Delagrange, S., and Messier, C. 2016. Linking ice accretion and crown structure: towards a model of the effect of freezing rain on tree canopies. Annals of Botany: 1-11.
Splawinski, T., Gauthier, S., Bergeron, Y., Greene, D.F., and Valeria., O. 2016. A landscape-level tool for assessing the natural regeneration density of Picea marianaand Pinus banksiana following fire and salvage logging. Forest Ecology and Management: 373: 189-202.
Van Bogaert, R., Gauthier, S., Drobyshev, I., Jayen, K., Greene, D.F., and Bergeron, Y. 2015. Prolonged absence of disturbance associated with increased environmental stress may lead to reduced seedbank size in Picea mariana in boreal eastern North America. Ecosystems 1-16.
Splawinski, T., Greene D.F., Gauthier, S., and Y. Bergeron. 2015. A stand-level tool for predicting the natural regeneration density of black spruce and jack pine following fire and salvage. Forestry Chronicle 91: 360-366.
Pounden, E., D. F. Greene, and S. T. Michaletz. 2014. Non-serotinous woody plants behave as aerial seed bank species when a late-summer wildfire coincides with a mast year. Ecology and Evolution 4: 3830-3840.
MacInnis, G., Greene, D.F., Straka, J., and P. Kevan. 2014. Particle filtration through a humid tropical forest canopy. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Naturais 9: 455-463.
Timerman, D., Greene, D.F., Urzay, J., and J.D. Ackerman. 2014. Turbulence-induced resonance vibrations cause pollen release in wind-pollinated Plantago lanceolata L. (Plantaginaceae). Journal of the Royal Society Interface 11.101: 20140866.
Timerman, D., Greene, D.F., Ackerman, J.D., Kevan, P.G., and E. Nardon. 2014. Pollen aggregation and pollination vector. International Journal of Plant Sciences 175: 681-687.
Boucher, D., Gauthier, S., Noël, J., Greene, D.F., and Y. Bergeron. 2014. Salvage logging affects early post-fire tree composition in the Canadian boreal forest. Forest Ecology and Management 325: 118-127.
Splawinski, T., Greene D.F., and S. Gauthier. 2014. Modelling tree regeneration following post-wildfire salvage. Ecological Modelling 282: 35-43.
Splawinski, T., Gauthier, S., and D.F. Greene. 2014. The impact of early pre-commercial thinning of dense jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) stands on the mortality of thinned stems. The Forestry Chronicle 90: 371-377.
Michaletz, S., Johnson, E.A., Mell, W.E., and D.F. Greene. 2013. Timing of fire relative to seed development may allow non-serotinous species to recolonize from the aerial seedbanks of fire-killed trees. Biogeosciences 10: 5061-5078.
Gervais, D., Greene, D.F., and T. Work. 2013. Causes of variation in wood-boring beetle damage in fire-killed black spruce (Picea mariana) forests in the central boreal forest of Quebec. Ecoscience 19: 398-403.
Greene, D.F., Splawinski, T., Gauthier, S., and Y. Bergeron. 2013. Seed abscission schedules and the timing of post-fire salvage of Picea mariana and Pinus banksiana. Forest Ecology and Management 303: 20-24.
Nock, C. A., Greene, D.F., Follett, M., Delagrange, S., Fournier, R, and C. Messier. 2013. In situ quantification of ice accretion on tree crowns using terrestrial lidar. PLOS ONE 8(5): e64865.
Pazos, G.E., Greene, D.F., Katul, G., Bertiller, M.B., and M. B. Soons. 2013. Toward a general model of non-random seed release by wind. Journal of Ecology 101: 889-994.
Non-refereed publications and reports
Greene, D.F. and M.J. McCavour. Dispersal, diffusion, and migration. 2017. A chapter in the Encyclopedia of Geography (Wiley-Blackwell/AAG).
Greene, D.F. and S. Michaletz. Fire disturbances in forest ecosystems. 2015. A chapter in the Handbook of Forest Ecology (Routledge).